Phillips said the MCSC has been one of the most important organizations and backers for his success as a marksman. Hes the president of the Laramie Rifle Range board of directors. Add to that the Coriolis effect, which means a target at that distance is moving slightly due to the Earths rotation. 4: Re: World Record 4.4 Mile Rifle Shot #8691395 09/19/22 10:34 PM: Joined: Jul 2008. Of course, this presented another issue, they had to be close to the target. The original target date for the attempt was scheduled for June or July 2021. However, we discovered that as a bullet crosses over into subsonic velocity, it flies better if its shorter and fatter.. Bunkers? Shepard likens it to the I, Pencil story about the thousands of people who must come together to make a simple pencil. Forward spotters were in five bullet-proof bunkers near the target, Humphries said. The world record for the longest rifle shot was broken by a Wyoming team of shooters who managed to hit a target 4.4 miles away in on the state's arid plains. Steel bunkers would need to be constructed, but how thick should the steel be? In late 2020 they began planning, with a target date of June or July 2021 for the attempt. A big thanks to our spotting team members for these photos! We back off just a bit.. But they still needed something to shoot at. These ranches do not have any crossroads or any type of public interference. acudaowner Two Star General. Spindrift [where the bullet angles in the direction of its spin] and the Coriolis effect [the rotation of the earth, by which the target shifts position while the bullet is in flight] also play a role at that distance. When were shooting extreme distances, we dont zoom all the way up to full power, because that can make things get fuzzy. Long Range World Record Rifle Build The highly modified scope system used on the rifle that set the new world record for the longest rifle shot. Confirmed! He plays golf in his free time and earned a second-place sports column from the Michigan Community College Press Association in 2018. Since Lynn would be leading the forward spotters, and she is quite attractive and fun to be with, Shepard kind of wanted to be sure the bunkers would be safe. Any other listing is unofficial for high school track and field and should be so recognized by those interested in the sport. Retrieved 23 June 2020. She has started shooting a .22-rimfire rifle and hit a 1,000-yard shot when she was 9 years old at the Marksmanship Training Center in Lake City. The previous record of 4 miles set in 2020 was defeated by a 4.4-mile target hit in the high desert of western Wyoming. But, for the advancement of the sport, he hopes someone comes along and breaks his record some day. A large selection of images available at bottom of article. The shot was made with a custom-built rifle chambered for the .416 Barrett cartridge. Bill Poor, of Tuscola, Texas, reportedly connected on a 3-mile shot Jan. 14, 2018 near Midland. Texan breaks marksmanship world record with 3-mile shot. We each have our areas of specialty, and neither Shepard, Lynn nor I could have done it without our support team, said Scott. Theres no doubt that in time someoneperhaps working with Humphries and Austinwill back up from a steel plate beyond 4.4 miles and do their best to lob rounds into it, establishing a new record rifle shot, all the while helping us become better shooters in the process. Year Record Record Type Student Name School; 2021-2022: 4:16.05: 1600-Meter Run: Brandon Passman: Guthrie: 2021-2022: 4:18.45: 1600-Meter Run: Isaiah Billingsley: Tilden McMullen County This is the rifle that set the new record for the longest hit on a targeta 4.4 mile shot using a highly customized .416 Barrett. During a Zoom interview Tuesday with Cowboy State Daily, Humphries declined . In this new system, spotters get as close as safely possible to the target and listen for thumps and triangulate the sounds. ***For All Things Wyoming, Sign-Up For Our Daily Newsletter***, By Mark Heinz, outdoors " The things we're learning show we're learning how to push the envelope of how far we can shoot a shoulder-fired rifle.". Although the team is quick to point out that the hit is not scientifically consistently repeatable, it is still quite an accomplishment. When arguing about cartridge selection for ELR matches, this is one item in favor of the larger calibersthat the bullet splash and impact signature are easier to see. Breaking the previous record of only 4 miles, and the Wyoming state record of 3.06 miles, local media outlet KSLTV explains that the shot required years of planning from two expert . 75 ArrowheadDZ 1 mo. To tip the odds of success in their favor, Humphries and Austin built a specialized rifle, sourcing components from around the world. Sophomore Josiah Tostenson of No. Although the shooter wants to remain anonymous, we would also like to congratulate you on an incredible shot. The spotters duties were to call out the impacts. Background: After having a blast setting the Wyoming state record of 3.06 miles in 2020, Scott and Shepard decided to get a team together to have even more fun breaking the then world record, 4 miles, which had also been set in 2020. World Record Extreme Long Range Shot 4.4 Miles Rifle is chambered in .416 Barrett Chassis is a Cadex Dual Strike from Canada Barrel is an LRI from Sturgis, SD - 40" with a 1:9 twist. The team hit the target on its 69th shot. BC over 1.1 MV of about 3015 fps with low ES in teens Using around 191 MOA. Once they agreed, they radioed the shooting team, who made adjustments and kept shooting. After various testing sessions. M. White 1,788 yards Read more. Safety is Phillips's biggest priority. He earned the Top Gun Award and earned a Combat Action Ribbon by serving in Operation Desert Storm with Task Force Papa Bear, First Marine Division. We could obviously put a few more shots in the bullseye right in a row right now, but we are tired, so we will stop shooting and strut away now, Shepard joked. Taylors & Company FS Tactical 1911: Now in 10mm! . This project was much harder than we anticipated.. Just before noon, with ominous clouds building on the horizon, Scott made the wind and elevation call of 1,092 MOA up and 17 MOA left. "If anyone does not do their job, you're not going to be successful. "We are trained professionals and we compete in this, (so) we understand the ballistics," Phillips said. Phillips' 10-year-old daughter, Addison, is using lessons learned from her father to make her way into the sport as well. In an odd coincidence, the hit landed on the 69th shot. The long-range shooting world record was broken yet again when a team of spotters and a shooter hit a target at 4.4 miles (7,744 yards) in the Wyoming desert earlier this month. 41-year-old Bill Poor hit a 53 target from 5,280 yards with a .408 CheyTac firing a 390 gr bullet at 3,160 fps after firing eight shots. of the women's mile finishing 11th with a time of 4:43.32 . Divine Deo, the 9/5 betting favorite, floated from the outside, then sprinted to the lead at the quarter in a fast :26.4. Joel Austin spotted long shots from beyond the target, senior lead shooting instructor Mick Cestia from short and left, and Wade Woodhouse spotted from short of the target, directly under the flight path. Audible spotting has already been used to supplement visual spotting, but there are no other known examples of someone trying to spot with ears as the primary tool. Audible spotting has already been used to supplement visual spotting, but there are no other known examples of someone trying to spot with ears as the primary tool. According to some reports, this is the equivalent of hitting an area the size of a pinhead at 100 yards. "My success, my whole career, I credit (to) the Midland County Sportsman's Club where I do all my work, testing, evaluating and research," Phillips said. For other use of these World Record Extreme Long Range Shot images, please contact us. The Scrimshanders - SXMW 3. The world record for the longest rifle shot was broken by a Wyoming team of shooters who managed to hit a target 4.4 miles away in on the state's arid plains. The 1.93-second drop in the record was the largest margin since Ryun set his first record in 1966. In November of 2009, Craig Harrison, Corporal of Horse in the Blues and Royals RHG/D of the British Army, made a shot that stands as the longest recorded sniper shot in history. The shooter was 4.4 miles away, a distance so great, the Earths rotation came into play. (If not email, Zoom video preferred). Even at 8.7%, it's luck. Ballistic software used Applied Ballistics. Even after everything was built and ready to go, this was not something that could be accomplished quickly. At 1,000 yards that would be a sporty targetbasically 15.4 by 11.8 inchesbut by no means difficult to hit consistently with a good rifle and ammo. We're talking about an ET (Elapsed Time) of 8.78 seconds and a. It wasnt dust or rocks kicking up from a bullet landing nearby, as seen from prior nearby impacts; sure enough, the steel had a hole punched right through it! (Photo Courtesy U.S. It also broke the previous world record shot of 4 miles set in 2020 by Paul Phillips of Texas. The following records are the Official State of Ohio Interscholastic Track and Field records, as properly reported to the OHSAA. Steel bunkers would need to be constructed, but how thick should the steel be? Check. ", '(Marksmanship) is my hobby, my passion and my love'. Frank sent Scott a detailed email regarding recommendations as to cartridge, bullet design, barrel twist rate etc., which we are incredibly grateful for. . Once they found the correct design, they set up the spotting stations leading up to the target. Knowing that they could not provide the barrel in our time frame he still took the time. What youre shooting at isnt going to be in the same place it was 24 second ago when you pulled the trigger.. But his biggest accomplishment took place away from the competitive arena. Tostenson, a sophomore, will travel to Portland on . They had to rely on their ears rather than their eyes to guide the shooters adjustments. wind call in ground breezes that averaged 8 mph. Shes Ryan Cheney pointing to his . National 8:34.23, German Fernandez, Riverbank . With a 1.44 percent hit ratio, a shooting exhibition like this does raise an obvious issue: What does it signify in terms of actual marksmanship? They were positioned in metal bunkers around the target and listened for the impacts rather than looked for them. A West Texas man has taken aim at becoming one of the world's top marksmen. The shooters involved in the effort which has been in the planning since 2020 were shooting a custom-built rifle chambered in .416 Barrett. The long-range shooting world record was broken yet again when a team of spotters and a shooter hit a target at 4.4 miles (7,744 yards) in the Wyoming desert earlier this month. Only this time, it wasn't for work, it was just for the challenge, fun, and bragging rights. Maggot; Sep 24, 2022; The Bear Pit ; Replies 26 Views 788. Glad we did. There is nothing quite like the feeling of hitting a target at that kind of distance. Tactical-Life would like to congratulate the Nomad Rifleman team on an amazing accomplishment. Special thanks to Frank Green from Bartlien Barrels. "The reason comes down to (the fact that) we're testing our own abilities and also pushing the limits of our equipment and pushing the manufacturers to give us equipment to go even further," Phillips said. The long-range shooting world record was broken yet again when a team of spotters and a shooter hit a target at 4.4 miles (7,744 yards) in the Wyoming desert earlier this month. experience, out of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Lynn devised a grid pattern to help spotters identify distances and points of impact. While holding the longest documented shot in history, Phillips said the team is looking to continue pushing the envelope and keep pushing its record further. David Parish and Dimitri Bogatirev served as safety and range officers. "We were just out testing and evaluating to learn how to shoot (from) extreme long-range better, and in doing so, we hit these plates at 3.4 miles and four miles. The bullseye had been painted in the center of a white, rectangular target measuring 120 inches wide and 92 inches tall. The final result was six of the last eight test runs having the majority of our shots landing within a 75-yard radius of the intended target. The temperature outside and within the barrel, the speed and direction of the wind at various distances between the shooter and the target, especially at max ordinate above 2,500 feet, will not ever be the same again. Shepard learned to weld and built prototype after prototype until they found the correct design. After various testing sessions, they determined the correct thickness of steel. 7. The cartridge was custom made by Unknown Munitions in Idaho (which we think is the best commercial ammunition maker in the world), with Barrett brass, H50BMG propellant and a CCI135 primer. Midland's Paul Phillips part of world-record four-mile rifle shot High School Records are those ratified by the T&FN Records Committee We consider the season to go through August 31 of an athlete's senior year or until they begin college, whichever comes first. . This isnt the kind of thing where you buy a new rifle and some ammo right off of the gun store shelf and go get lucky.. Early morning on September 13, 2022, the team headed to cattle country near Pinedale, Wyoming, for the big day. It is considered the most difficult competition in the sport because of the extremely long range and how drastic of an effect subtle changes in the environment can have. It was a new world record for a rifle shot, set by the Jackson-based Nomad Rifleman team led by Schott Austin and Shepard Humphries. The bullet left the rifle muzzle at 3,300 feet per second and traveled 4.4 miles, slowing to 689 feet per second when it hit the target, over 24.5 seconds after being fired. Dan Pohlabel 1,788 yards Read more. World Athletics. But NASA's multimillion mile DART shot to hit the moving moon of the moving asteroid is REALLY . He is a quiet, self-effacing guy and made us promise that if we got a hit, we would keep his name and identity private, so lets call him Winston.. It had to be perfect. That's a mileplus another 1,000 yards. (Photo provided). Gorze was hoping to take a shot at the high school-only 5,000 meters record of Chris Derrick from 2008 (13:55.96), but finished in 14:11.38. In late 2020 they began planning to set a new world record for extreme long range shot. The bullet is in the air for about 4 to 5 seconds. Phillips was working the ballistics of the shot while Rodgers was working as the wind coach. After various testing sessions, the team determined the correct thickness of steel and began building prototypes. Tony started digging away with his pocket knife on the targets wooden crossbar behind the bullets exact impact point and a bit later Joel found the bullet in the dirt below and right of it. . Posts: 21,117 . OWENSBORO (02/27/23) The Girls 3rd Region Basketball Tournament begins tonight at the Owensboro Sportscenter. The shot was made with a custom-built rifle chambered for the .416 Barrett cartridge. (Photo provided/Paul Phillips), Paul Phillips received this Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for being part of a world-record rifle shot, as well as numerous other international marksmanships feats. i = mark made indoors. National 77-0, Michael Carter, Dallas (Jefferson . On Sept. 24, 2019, the team gathered again to work with the .416 Barrett for a four-mile shot. So at 3616 yards 416 needs 195 MOA or so. But the fact that they were able to get any shot on to the metal plate is a testament to their equipment and skill. The 70-mile trail surrounded by dense forest is perfect for light exercise and friends' hangouts. Its a relatively short, stout bullet that proved ideal for its purpose, Humphries said. When we initially requested for them to build the barrel they notified us that it would take at least 12 months, as there were others in line before our order. Thats above and beyond service in our book. The distance to beat was 4 miles, set by Paul Phillips and his team in 2019. In terms of the sport growing, Phillips said he wants to promote safety and the sport in the younger generation. When the spotters heard the reverberation of metal being hit and were sure Lynns bunker or the camera systems on top werent that metal, Wade called in from behind and said I thought it was the target, Man!! Co-authors of Nomad Riflemans Guide to Extreme Long Range Shooting Fun, Scott Austin and Shepard Humphries, joined by a half-dozen friends, hit the 8 bullseye with their custom long-range rifle, surpassing the previous world record of 4 miles! In the 1970 finals, Andy Isla-Rubert of Hillside (Proviso West) recorded a manual time of 4:07.1 in the longer mile run (9.3 meters longer). Ashmuth said the longest shots hes ever made were 2,220 yards with a bullet flight time of about 4-5 seconds. Shepard. Extreme long ranges. The Dirty Truckers - Dealer's Choice 4. "It was the culmination of hard work, planning, and execution by the team that made this shot opportunity possible," DeVoglaer said. A wildlife, Jugs of urine tossed out vehicles along Wyoming highways have been dubbed trucker bombs and there. A team of long-range shooting experts in Wyoming set what appears to be the new world record for the longest rifle shot ever completed: 7,774 yards or 4.4 miles. This A90-generation Supra recently checked out the Palm Beach International Raceway, with the visit resulting in a pair of records. Phillips said the four-mile shot, which was the equivalent of 7,070 yards, took 22 seconds to go from barrel to target and needed a Maximum Ordinate (the highest point in the trajectory of the. Phillips is a combat veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, in which he was a member of the Scout Sniper Platoon and the First Marine Regiment, and is an honors graduate of the FBI Sniper School. Some big news for trigger pullers recently from the Civilian Marksmanship Program. SIG Sauer MCX-SPEAR: Civilian Version of XM7 Rifle Arrives! Thanks Lynn Sherwood, Tony Molina, Mick Cestia, Joel Austin and Wade Woodhouse! !. The record eclipses his own previous best of 2.35 miles, established in March. He's originally from Grand Rapids. Shepard and Scott also emphasize that safety is critical and that everyone involved in any sport ought to be aware of the risks. In other words, down range. There were other technical issues like spin drift, the Coriolis effect and, of course, Murphys law. New world record, 4.4 mile shot. And boy is it a space-aged piece of beauty! (Photo provided), Pictured isthe Nightforce scope on the rifle that was used to shoot a world-record four miles, with the tacomHQ Charlie andDelta accessories in front of it. However, while I was busy celebrating my now seemingly small achievement, the Nomad Rifleman team was celebrating its new world record for extreme long range rifle shot, just on the other side of the Grand Tetons. 4.4 mile world record shot. Harrison consecutively hit two Taliban machine gunners in Afghanistan at a range of 2,707 yards. When testing finally began, each test required the team members to coordinate their schedules away from work, and with at least one forward spotter and Scott shooting, this was a challenge. The ammunition used for the record rifle shot was made by Unknown Munitions. And, it shatters the 3,800-yard and 4,210-yard shots the Hill Country Rifle Team made in 2015 and 2016. Scott Austin, Shepard Humphries, and half a dozen friends surpassed the previous record for longest target hit with a long range rifle on September 13, 2022, but their journey started long before that day. The .416 Barrett cartridge is made by necking down a .50 Browning Machine Gun (BMG) round to accommodate the roughly .40-caliber bullet. September 18, 2022. of steel. 3618 yards = With 416 Barrett. The long-range shooting world record was broken yet again when a team of spotters and a shooter hit a target at 4.4 miles (7,744 yards) in the Wyoming desert earlier this month. Its purpose, Humphries and Austin built a specialized rifle, sourcing components from around world. To 5 seconds equipment and skill to their equipment and skill terms of the moving asteroid 4 mile shot record REALLY things... And 4,210-yard shots the Hill country rifle team made in 2015 and 2016 the record shot... Of 8.78 seconds and a of article Dealer & # x27 ; s multimillion mile DART shot hit! Knowing that they were able to get any shot on to the target while Rodgers was working the. These world record 4.4 mile rifle shot was made with a custom-built chambered... 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